RIHE Open Seminar ”The Changing Internationalization of Higher Education in the New Contexts”/ December 15, 2022

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★Registration has been closed.

The open seminar will be held as follows:

13:00-15:30, Thursday, December 15th, 2022 (Japan time)

The Changing Internationalization of Higher Education in the New Contexts

Hybrid (online + onsite)
※Onsite registration is limited to 10 people. We will inform you of the participation URL for online participants by the day before.


Anthony Welch (The University of Sydney, Australia)
Tatiana Fumasoli (UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, the UK)

Libing Wang (Chief of Section of Higher Education and Innovation, UNESCO in Bangkok)

Futao Huang (RIHE, Hiroshima University)

New contexts, including the changing geopolitics, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Ukraine-Russia war and others, have brought about considerable changes to internationalization of higher education worldwide. These changes are evident and multiple. They are concerned not only with the redefinition of and reconsideration into internationalization of higher education, but also with reforms on a wide variety of aspects or activities of internationalization of higher education. Drawing on two presentations, the aim of this international open seminar is to investigate and discuss what new changes have occurred in specific and main aspects and activities of internationalization of higher education at the global, regional, national levels, and what key factors have caused these changes, and what implications can be drawn from these changes from the comparative perspective.

We welcome all speakers, discussant, and participants to discuss these issues and move the field forward.


MC: Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Tohoku University, Japan

13:00~13:10 Opening remarks
       Futao Huang, Hiroshima University, Japan
13:10~13:50 Presentation 1:Asian Academics in Australian Universities: Progress, Policies and Prospects
       Anthony Welch, the University of Sydney, Australia
13:50~14:10 Q & A
14:10~14:50 Presentation 2:Internationalisation evolving: global engagement, sustainability and academic staff mobility
       Tatiana Fumasoli, University College London, the UK
14:50~15:10 Q & A
15:10~15:25 Discussant
       Libing Wang, UNESCO Bangkok, Thailand
15:25~15:30 Closing remarks
       Tsukasa Daizen, Hiroshima University, Japan

・This seminar is related to the following JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Basic Research B).
(19H01640) Futao Huang, Hiroshima University (Principal Investigator), A comparative study in the roles and contributions of foreign faculty and researchers
・Participation fee is free.
・The registration is open until 12:00, Wednesday, December 14 JST.
・This events will be held online through Zoom. You need an internet access, device with camera and microphone.
・Using your full name for your personal meeting ID is required when you enter the meeting room. You may not receive a permission to enter the room if the ID is different from the name registered.
・As a participant, you are not allowed to record the events or take the screenshot at your own.
・We will inform you of the participation URL by the day before. Please contact us at the following address by noon, December 14 if you do not receive the email.
*Replace (at) with @