2月2日(木)開催 2022年度公開研究会(オンライン開催)『彼ら・彼女らは残るべきか、去るべきか?ドイツにおける留学生のケーススタディ』






■講演者:Sascha Krannich氏(ドイツ・ギーゼン大学)


■概要:International students are conceived as essential contributors to the development of their countries of origin after they finished their studies abroad. Political decision-makers of the countries of origin therefore take measures that students will eventually return to their home countries and bring back their gained knowledge and consequently contribute to development back home. However, is a return always the best way to contribute to development in the country of origin or can international graduates contribute equally from abroad or through their high mobility between different countries?
This presentation aims to address this question on the basis of an intensive three years mixed-methods-based investigation in six countries – Germany as country of study and Colombia, Georgia, Ghana, Indonesia and Israel/Palestinian territories as countries of origin. migration and development, and highly skilled migration and demographic change.

  高等教育研究開発センター <k-kokyo(at)office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp>

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