*English follows Japanese
・課題探求型経験学習(Inquiry-Based Learning[IBL]、Project-Based Learning[PBL]、Creative Inquiry など)の理論的枠組みと国際的な潮流
【会場】:広島大学 東広島キャンパス フェニックス国際センター「MIRAI CREA」 2F 大会議室
【講師】:エウセビオ・スコルナバッカ教授(アリゾナ州立大学 未来社会イノベーション学部 学部長)
【対象】:広島大学 教職員
→ https://forms.office.com/r/QwN2FKHV5Q
Dear Faculty and Staff,
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support in promoting the university’s internationalization initiatives.
We are pleased to announce a special lecture by Professor Eusebio Scornavacca from Arizona State University (ASU) on how inquiry-based experiential learning enhances educational quality and creates social impact. This lecture is part of Hiroshima University’s “Town & Gown Initiative” and the “Social Impact Creation Support Project,” aiming to establish new educational models in collaboration with local communities and industries.
During the FD lecture, Professor Scornavacca will provide specific insights based on his research and practical experience on the following topics:
•Theoretical frameworks and global trends in inquiry-based experiential learning (e.g., Inquiry-Based Learning [IBL], Project-Based Learning [PBL], and Creative Inquiry)
•Practical examples and implementation at Arizona State University
•Transforming the role of educators to foster educational approaches that generate social impact
•Potential educational models in collaboration with industries and local communities
Professor Scornavacca is an expert in digital innovation and sustainability. At ASU, he has significantly contributed to the development of an outstanding ecosystem that integrates practical education into research and society, promoting talent development. ASU has been recognized as the “Most Innovative University in the United States” for several consecutive years, and its educational model has influenced universities worldwide. This lecture will be an invaluable opportunity for educators seeking to incorporate practical approaches into their teaching and explore new educational models.
A Q&A session will follow the lecture, providing an opportunity for discussion, knowledge-sharing, and gaining concrete guidance for future initiatives. We hope this event will offer fresh perspectives on educational innovation and serve as a valuable platform for applying these insights in practice.
Lecture Details
[Date] Monday, March 3, 2025, 15:30–17:30
[Venue] Large Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Phoenix International Center “MIRAI CREA,” Higashi-Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University
[Speaker] Professor Eusebio Scornavacca (Dean, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Arizona State University)
[Title] Enhancing Social Impact and Value of Educators through Inquiry-Based Experiential Learning
[Language] English
[Target Audience] Faculty and staff of Hiroshima University
[Participation Fee] Free of charge
[Registration] Please register via the following form
→ https://forms.office.com/r/8MVmPU2mbF
[Registration Deadline] Sunday, March 2, 2025
広島大学 国際室 国際部 グローバル化推進グループ 飯田
E-Mail: kokusai-soumu@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Ayako Iida (Ms.)
Globalization Promotion Group, International Office,
Hiroshima University (Contact: Iida)
E-mail: kokusai-soumu@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp