12月2日開催 公開研究会(対面+オンライン)『政府の大学財政支援プログラムの空間的波及効果:韓国の大学と産業界の連携プログラムの事例』のご案内





■司会・進行:金 良善(広島大学)

■講演者:Lee, Eunhye(韓国職業教育訓練研究院(KRIVET)研究員)

■略歴:Dr. Eunhye Lee is a researcher at Korea Research Institution of Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), a leading national research organization. Her work focuses on university-industry collaboration, school-to-work transitions, and graduate employability. Additionally, Dr. Lee has experience with large-scale data production projects, including the Korean Education and Employment Panel I & II (KEEP I & KEEP II) and the Korean segment of the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). 


■概要:The Korean government’s financial support programs for universities exhibit a distinctive characteristic that simultaneously pursues contradictory values within a single initiative: ‘competition’ from the performance-based funding system and ‘shared growth’ from the diffusion of leading models invented by beneficiary universities. Existing literature has primarily focused on the direct effects of financial support initiatives, despite the likelihood that the initiatives affect neighboring universities due to this feature. Therefore, this study analyzed the effects of the representative university financial support initiative, ‘Leading University’s Industry-University Cooperation (LINC), ’ from the perspective of spillover effects using spatial models. 

10:00-10:05 イントロダクション
10:05-10:40 講演
10:40-11:00 Q & A



  高等教育研究開発センター <k-kokyo(at)office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp>