12月13日開催 公開研究会(対面+オンライン)『Gendered Parental Preference for College Applications: Experimental Evidence from a Gender Inegalitarian Education Context』のご案内




    広島オフィスセンター (〒732-0805 広島県広島市南区東荒神町3−35)
■テーマ:Gendered Parental Preference for College Applications: Experimental Evidence from a Gender Inegalitarian Education Context

■司会・進行:中尾 走(愛媛大学)

■講演者:打越 文弥(ハーバード大学)


■概要:There is a converging gender gap in four-year university attendance in Japan, yet significantly fewer women apply to selective colleges. A growing body of literature suggests that parents play a crucial role in shaping their children’s college choices. However, the capacity to make causal claims is limited in existing studies, as any apparent gendered preferences among parents might simply reflect prior educational investments made before their children apply to college. This study advances the field by leveraging a survey experiment approach. Results from our conjoint experiment, where respondents evaluate their fictitious children’s hypothetical college choices, reveals the following findings: First, responses do not differ when the children aim for selective colleges, regardless of whether the child is a son or a daughter. Second, respondents who expect higher returns from college for men than for women tend to rate their fictious son’s selective college applications more favorably. Third, fictitious daughter’s college choices receive more favorable ratings when their choices align with societal gender stereotypes. These results underscore the potential impact of recent admissions reforms in Japanese universities, which include explicit quotas for female applicants to increase their enrollment. 

10:30-10:35 挨拶・趣旨説明:中尾 走(愛媛大学)
10:35-11:35 講演「Gendered Parental Preference for College Applications: Experimental Evidence from a Gender Inegalitarian Education
        Context」打越 文弥(ハーバード大学)
11:35-12:00 全体質疑


  高等教育研究開発センター <k-kokyo(at)office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp>