RIHE Open Seminar “The Foundation of Université Paris-Saclay – Construction of a new organization and a new university campus”, November 20, 2023

We are pleased to announce that an open seminar will be held as follows:

15:00-17:00 Thursday, November 20th, 2023 (Japan time)

The Foundation of Université Paris-Saclay – Construction of a new organization and a new university campus

Hybrid (In-Person & Online)
* Maximum Capacity
a. In-Person: 20 people
b. Online (zoom): Unlimited


Keitaro NAKATANI(Professor, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (France))

Higher education and research (HER) in France is carried out by three types of institutions: universités, grandes écoles, and research organizations. Each of them have their strengths and weaknesses. The French Government launched major programs, such as IDEX (Intitiative d’Excellence) around 2010, to reinforce cooperation between them, and to raise the visibility of French HER.
Université Paris-Saclay was established in this context. 3 universités, 4 grandes écoles, and 7 research organizations gathered to give birth to an institution with a new type of structure, and a science city in the suburbs of Paris. One outcome is the creation of an university with the highest ranking in the EU.
The presenter is an insider of this project. After giving some elements on the structure of HER in France, he will focus on the process of the establishment of a new institution and the transfer to a new campus.

・Participation fee is free.
・Registration is open until, November 20, 2023 (JST).
・Internet access and a camera/microphone device required to participate online.
・Use your full name as your personal meeting ID when you enter the meeting room. If you do not, you may not be allowed to enter the meeting room.
・Recording/screenshots not allowed.
・The meeting URL will be emailed to you separately the day before the meeting. If you do not receive the e-mail, please contact us at k-kokyo(at)office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp 
*Replace (at) with @