11月18日開催 世界比較教育学会第5回シンポジウム(日本比較教育学会企画「高等教育におけるリバースジェンダーギャップ」のご案内

【情報提供者: 日本比較教育学会】

 2022年11月16~18日に、第5回世界比較教育学会(WCCES)シンポジウムがオンライン方式で開催されます。その中で、11月18日(金)に「高等教育のリバース・ジェンダー・ギャップ」をテーマとする、日本比較教育学会(JCES) 国際シンポジウムが催されます。詳細は以下の通りです。ご関心のある方の積極的なご参加をお待ち申し上げます。なお、会員以外の方の参加も歓迎します(日英同時通訳あり、要申し込み)。

International Webinar
An international symposium of the Japan Comparative Education Society

‘Reverse Gender Gap’ in Tertiary Education in Southeast Asia:
Progress against Global Discourse

18 November 2022, 19:15-21:15 (JST)
6:15 to 8:15 (EDT, Washington, D.C.)  

Generally speaking, the gender gap in education is understood as a problem of disparity between men and women in the sense that women have fewer educational opportunities and are placed in a disadvantageous situation. However, there is a reverse gender gap phenomenon in which men have fewer educational opportunities than women in public universities. This research focuses on this Reverse Gender Gap (RGG)’ phenomenon in tertiary education. In particular, this research aims to clarify the question of why the reverse gender gap in higher education has emerged since the early 2000s in Southeast Asia. This panel can understand the reverse gender gap phenomenon from two aspects. One is the phenomenon of women becoming more educated or the feminization of higher education, and the other is the phenomenon of men’s disengagement from education in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Cambodia.

Key Words; Reverse Gender Gap, Gender Gap, Boys Disengagement from Education, Higher Education, Southeast Asia





19:15 –19:25

Opening remarks
Dr. Miki Sugimura, Professor, Sophia University, and President, Japan Comparative Education Society (JCES)

19:25 –19:40


Session 1: What is the ’Reverse Gender Gap (RGG)’ in Tertiary Education? Southeast Asian Context

Chair: Dr. Hideto Fukudome, Professor, University of Tokyo.

Presenter: Dr. Akiko Kamogawa, Associate Professor, University of Yamanashi, and Chair, JCES Youth Network Committee(Y-Net)

19:40 –20:40

15min. each

Session 2: Sharing Case Studies on RGG in Southeast Asia: Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Cambodia

Case of Malaysia
Presenter: Dr. Hiroko Kushimoto, Associate Professor, Sophia University.

Case of Indonesia
Presenter: Dr. Mina Hattori, Professor, Nagoya University.

Case of Philippines
Presenter: Dr. Makoto Ichikawa, Professor, Rikkyo University.

Case of Cambodia
Presenter: Ms. Saori Hagai, Associate Professor, Ritsumeikan University.

20:40 –20:50


Session 3: Sharing Global Perspectives on RGG

Presenter: Dr. Kazuo Kuroda, Professor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, and Chair, WCCES Research Standing Committee

20:50 –21:05


Session 4: Open Discussion

Moderator: Dr.Hideto Fukudome, Professor, University of Tokyo.

21:05 –21:15


Next Steps and Closing remarks

Dr. Yuto Kitamura, Professor, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, and Chair, JCES International Exchange Committee

 MC: Dr. Jing Liu, Associate Professor, Tohoku University
   Dr. Akemi Ashida, Associate Professor, Nagoya University

Language: English/Japanese (simultaneous interpretation available).

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_s3RvvRtSQyW1nbcJIH-q1Q

For any inquiries, please contact Dr. Akiko Kamogawa by  kamolab.event@gmail.com

5th WCCES Symposium 2022