11月23-24日開催(香港時間)『Symposium on employment trajectories of PhD graduates in East Asia』のご案内

【情報提供者:大阪大学スチューデント・ライフサイクルサポートセンター 陳麗蘭特任助教 】



3pm-3.30pm – Where is our way? A collaborative autoethnography of academic career strategizing of
Chinese female doctoral students in Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea, Yingxin Liu (The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, China), Xin Li (Seoul National University, Korea), and Lilan Chen(陳麗蘭さん)(Osaka University, Japan)

4pm-4.30pm – Changes in doctoral graduates’ employment and doctoral students’ views of their future
career in Japan?, Futao Huang(黄福涛教授), Hiroshima University

Link for the 23rd of November: https://tuni.zoom.us/j/61363580610
Link for the 24th of November: https://tuni.zoom.us/j/67428119449
