RIHE Open Seminar “International Academics in a Global and Comparative Perspective: Their characteristics, work roles and contributions”/ February 6, 2022

Participant registration is closed.

The open seminar will be held as follows:

■Date and Time
20:30~23:30 Sunday, 6 February 2022  (Japan time: JST/GMT+9)

International Academics in a Global and Comparative Perspective: Their characteristics, work roles and contributions

Online (Zoom) ※We will inform you of the participation URL by the day before


Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Tohoku University, Japan
Hans de Wit, Boston College Center for International Higher Education, the USA
Futao Huang, Hiroshima University, Japan

■Lecturers and presentation titles
Anthony Welch, University of Sydney, Australia
  “SOJOURN or STAY? International Researchers in the Australian University and Research System”
Qiongqiong Chen, Southern University of Science and Technology,China & Yuan Li, Southern University of Science and Technology,
  “A Study on International Faculty in a Research University in China: Who Are They and Why Do They Work in China?”
Li-fang Zhang, the University of Hong Kong & Zhengli Xie, the University of Hong Kong
  “Hong Kong Overseas Academics’ Intellectual Processes and Outcomes”
Ming Li, Osaka University, Japan & Futao Huang, Hiroshima University, Japan
  “International Researchers in Japanese Companies: Their Motivations, Work Roles, and Contributions”
LIU Hong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore & HUANG Xi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  “Transnational Universities and International Academics in Southeast Asia: Talent Strategy and Dual Embeddedness”
Yangson Kim, Hiroshima University, Japan, and Inyoung Song, Korean Council for University Education, South Korea
  “International Academics in Government-Funded Research Institutes in Korea: Work Role, Contribution, and Challenges”
Giulio Marini, Institute of Education, University College London, the UK & Toma Pustelnikovaite, Abertay University, Scotland
  “Not all Foreigners are Strangers: Cultural Differences within International Academics in the UK”
Xin Xu, University of Oxford, the UK, Andrea Braun Střelcová, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Germany, Giulio Marini, Institute of Education, University College London, the UK, Futao Huang, Hiroshima University, Japan, & Yuzhuo Cai, Tampere University, Finland
  ”International Academics in Mainland China: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?”
Dongbin Kim, Michigan State University, the USA & Sehee Kim, Michigan State University, the USA
  “Foreign PhDs in the United States: Historical Trends Analysis of Their Professional Experiences and Career Mobility within and Beyond Academic Sectors”

■Abstract, Program, and Speaker Details
Click here

・Participation fee is free.
・The registration is open until 12:00, Friday, February 4. 
・This events will be held online through Zoom. You need an internet access, device with camera and microphone.
・Using your full name for your personal meeting ID is required when you enter the meeting room. You may not receive a permission to enter the room if the ID is different from the name registered.
・As a participant, you are not allowed to record the events or take the screenshot at your own.
・We will inform you of the participation URL by the day before. Please contact us at the following address by noon, February 4 if you do not receive the email.
*Replace (at) with @