11月18日(水)開催 2020年度第11回公開研究会(オンライン開催)『東アジアの修士教育と新型コロナウイルスの影響 』(日英同時通訳あり)







■ 概要
This seminar aims to address the issues of expending master’s education and its current challenges in East Asia, focusing on Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. All presentations are based on a special issue on Higher Education Policy (online first). Although the massification of higher education at the undergraduate level has been discussed in many Asian countries for the past three decades, the expansion of postgraduate education has rarely been studied. Therefore, it is worthwhile to address the historical development of master’s education in advanced Asian higher education systems and its contribution to their higher education and current challenges, including access, employment, career path of graduates, quality of learning experiences, and internationalization issues. Moreover, the impacts of COVID 19 on graduate education will be discussed based on the context of East Asian countries.

■ プログラム
14:00-14:05     Opening Remark   
             Shinichi Kobayashi(広島大学)
14:05-14:20     Master’s Education in Hong Kong: Access and Programme Diversity
             Jisun Jung(香港大学)
14:20-14:35   Master’s Education in STEM Fields in China: Does Gender Matter?
             Jiale Yang(清華大学) Wenqin Shen(北京大学)
14:35-14:50     Massified Master’s education in Taiwan: A Credential Game?
             Jason Cheng-Cheng Yang(国立嘉義大学) Sheng-Ju Chan(国立中正大学)
14:50-15:05     The Effects of a Master’s Degree on Wage and Job Satisfaction in Massified  Higher Education: The Case of South Korea
             Soo Jeung Lee(世宗大学校)Seungjung Kim(韓国大学教育協議会)Jisun Jung(香港大学)
15:05-15:20     The Influence of Internationalization Policy on Master’s Education in Japan: A Comparison of ‘‘Super Global’’ and
                        Mass-Market Universities
             Sae Shimauchi(東京都立大学) Yangson Kim(広島大学)
15:20-16:00     Discussion


・本研究会は、JSPSの研究助成(19H00621, 20K13906)を受けて開催しております。
  高等教育研究開発センター <k-kokyo(at)office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp>


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