
【情報提供:大阪大学グローバルイニシアティブ・センター 李明様】

この度、大阪大学グローバルイニシアティブ・センターはロンドン大学(UCL)教育研究所教授で同大学のグローバル高等教育研究所(The Centre for Global Higher Education)所長であるサイモン・マージンソン博士をお招きし、公開講演会を開催します 。

How good are Japan’s research universities in global terms, and how much does it matter?” 

■ 日時:11月16日(木)14:00-15:30
■ 場所:大阪大学吹田キャンパス コンベンションセンター1階 研修室
■ アクセスは以下をご覧ください。
■ 使用言語:英語
■ 参加費:無料(先着90名)
■ 参加申込: https://goo.gl/forms/HEJAszfVnDuOIY7s1
■ 申込〆切:11月14日(火)

■ プログラム
(1)小林傳司理事・副学長 挨拶


ABSTRACT: World university rankings have brought to the worldwide research university sector a closer focus on global comparison and competition, though not all ranking data are valid and reliable as a guide to the real capacity and performance of universities. Rankings based on reputable measures of publications and citations are useful tools. Multi-indicator rankings that arbitrarily combine heterogeneous elements are not helpful, unless the indicators are separated; and rankings based on surveyed reputation tell us nothing about objective quality, though they may tell us about reputation itself. Regardless, university rankings touch deep concerns in Japan about the nation’s global position, especially in the light of the central role played in modern societies by science and technology, and regional tensions in the Chinese civilizational zone in East Asia, broadly defined to include Japan and Korea. The lecture reviews the absolute and comparative performance of Japan’s research universities, and trends in performance, in the light of data in the Leiden, ARWU and Scimago collections. Both regional and global comparisons are considered. It then situates these data in relation to the normative questions of competition/cooperation, and comparison/singularity, questions which provide each of us with tools for interpreting the performance data.  

Prof. Simon Marginson のプロフィール:

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Email: kokusai-renkei-renkei@office.osaka-u.ac.jp
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