







This work is part of an ongoing project by UNESCO Bangkok in collaboration with the University of Tokyo. As part of the process of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, UNESCO Bangkok hopes to work on indicators of internationalization of higher education: to take stock of the regional experiences and expertise in higher education in general, in internationalization of higher education in particular; to move toward regional consensus on a core set of indicators to be tracked; to set regional norms and standards for indicators; to build systemic and institutional capacity through the application of regional consensus documents; share information and experiences, and to develop a regional repository of promising policies and practices in the use of indicators.

The paper provides an initial discussion of issues to be considered in collecting and using indicators of this sort and a preliminary scan of available indicators and their utilization. The paper is intended to provide background and a framework for input from stakeholders in the region, who, it is hoped, will provide national and institutional cases of policies and practices on the collection and utilization of indicators of international higher education. The paper elaborates dimensions along which existing and potential indicators can be mapped. Currently available indicators are discussed using this framework and tentative conclusions drawn about the current state of indicators of internationalization of higher education in the region.



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