3月7日(月) 第11回 公開研究会『Lecturing in the Digital Age – Learning in the Twenty First Century デジタル時代における大学の授業を考える:21 世紀における学習』のご案内


インターネットの普及やデジタル機器の発展や知識の情報化など教育・学習を取り巻く環境は大きく変化してお り,大学教育の在り方にも再考が必要となっています.本研究会では,イギリスローハンプトン大学のジュリー・ホール教授を講師にむかえ,イギリスの大学に おける学生調査に基づく知見を共有し,現行の教授法,カリキュラム,学習環境をどう変えていくべきなのかについて議論します.
2016 年3 月7 日(月)10 時~12 時
■場 所
ローハンプトン大学副学長 ジュリー・ホール教授(高等教育)
With an unstable economic climate and increasing demands from employers for industry ready graduates, higher education is characterized by uncertainty, complexity, measurement and risk. Meanwhile student numbers continue to grow and students’ lives are increasingly different from those who teach them. Networked through the digital world, students present themselves in multiple places at once. They sit in the lecture space yet at the same time they are elsewhere and knowledge is no longer solely in the possession of the orator. In these contexts academic life encounters a certain ambiguity and strangeness. We find ourselves preparing students for a future we can’t really envisage, welcoming them from a school experience that is very different from our own and we teach using methods developed hundreds of years ago. Products like Powerpoint fail to make lectures modern. This lecture, informed by research into the student experience will argue that we are obliged to rethink the kinds of learning that our graduates will require in the 21st century and renew the pedagogies, curricula and learning environments we currently provide.
Julie Hall is a Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Provost of Roehampton University London United Kingdom. Professor Hall’s research has explored the student experience of university education, particularly teaching and assessment. Originally a sociologist, Professor Hall was formerly the Director of Teaching and Learning at Roehampton University, the Dean of the Business School and Chair of SEDA, The Staff and Educational Development Association ? the professional organization for those who seek to enhance teaching in UK universities. Professor Hall has worked with the UK government to improve teaching in UK universities over recent years. Professor’s Hall’s latest publication is a chapter on leading teaching and learning centres with Dr Davin Green of Seattle University in Advancing Practice in Academic Development (2016) edited by David Baume and Celia Popovic, Routledge, SEDA Series.
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