3月24日(水)開催 2020年度第19回公開研究会(オンライン開催)『外国人教員・研究者に関する国際比較的研究-韓国、日本と中国の事例を中心に- 』







司会:  三好 登(広島大学)
趣旨説明:黄 福涛(広島大学)
発表1  金 良善 (広島大学)、 Inyoung Song (韓国大学教育協議会)
発表2  陳 麗蘭(広島大学)
発表3  黄 福涛(広島大学)

■ 概要
Presentation 1: Policy initiatives and challenges relating to international researchers and faculty members in Korea
Yangson Kim (RIHE, Hiroshima University) and Inyoung Song (Korean Council for University Education)

The study aims to overview policies (projects) for international faculty members and researchers in universities and beyond enforced by the central government in Korea by reviewing the current status. The Korean government has implemented policies to encourage universities and research institutes to hire international faculties and researchers to enhance their global competitiveness. However, previous studies on international researchers in Korea have been conducted mainly on international faculty members in individual universities. Moreover, although tremendous efforts have been made to recruit international faculty and researcher to work in Korea, many of them have left Korea because of the limited support system and closed academic culture in Korean society. Therefore, it is meaningful to explore the challenges and limitations of the policies for international faculty members and researchers with overall social and economic contexts in Korea. In particular, universities and research institutes have different organizational cultures, and the expected roles for international researchers seem to be different, too. Hence, it is significant to analyze the academic activities and experiences of international researchers in universities and research institutes in more detail. Further, the policies of World Class University by the Ministry of Education, Korea Research Fellowship by the Korea Research Foundation, and Brain Pool by the Ministry of Science Information and Technology are also discussed, focused on their achievements and challenges they face.

Presentation 2: Identifying the key issues of international faculty at Japanese universities: A qualitative approach
Lilan Chen (Doctoral candidate at the RIHE)

This study is devoted to identifying the key issues of international faculty at Japanese universities via a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews with 40 international faculty hired in Japanese universities with various backgrounds were applied. Key issues from various facets ranging at international, national, social, institutional, and individual levels have been identified explicitly. Furthermore, this study investigates the variations among these issues according to the demographic attributes of the participants by indicating that the issues distributed in the open dimensions were considered consistent with all international faculty, whereas, the issues noted in the closed dimensions are bound to be diverse depending on the participant individuals. Theoretical and practical implications drawn from the key findings are offered to better tackle the tokenization of international faculty and improve the comprehensive internationalization of Japanese higher education in practice.  

Presentation 3: International faculty at Chinese universities
Futao Huang (RIHE, Hiroshima University)

This presentation is mainly concerned with the analysis of the basic characteristics of international faculty, their motivation to work in China, and their expected roles in their current universities based on both quantitative and qualitative methods. It first presents key characteristics of international faculty in 12 Chinese universities. It then discusses main results from a survey of international faculty in these 12 Chinese universities. The study argues their characteristics and work roles from a comparative perspective.

  高等教育研究開発センター <k-kokyo(at)office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp>