The seminars now scheduled are indicated by color dummy_budummy_bu; those already held by dummy_reddummy_red.

The 28th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 17 March 2020  This seminar has been postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
VENUE Hiroshima Office Center
TOPIC Thinking about higher education and evidence: the review and discussion about the book: Exploring the Scope of Evidence-based Education: Discussion over Norms and Facts in Pedagogy “Evidence ni motoduku kyoiku” no iki wo saguru: Kyoikugaku ni okeru kihan to jijitsu wo megutte
LECTURER(S): Hirotaka SUGITA (Hiroshima University)
Shota KUMAI (Yamaguchi University)
Hitoshi SATO (Fukuoka University)
Yusuke HASEGAWA (Oita University)
Takehiko HAYASHI (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
The 27th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 7 March 2020 This seminar has been postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
VENUE Hiroshima University Tokyo office
TOPIC The Aggregated-level Data from Higher Education Institutions for use in EBPM: A Trial Analysis for University Reform, University Strategy Formulation and Financial Management Utilizing Toyo Keizai Shimpo’s “College Four Seasons Reports”
LECTURER(S): Makoto KUROKI (Yokohama City University)
Shuntaro ISERI (Hosei University)
Shinji MATSUMIYA (Hiroshima University)
Ran NAKAO (Hiroshima University)
The 26th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 28 February 2020
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Possibility of Financial Literacy Education to Bridge the Financial Aid Information Gap
LECTURER(S): Wang Shuai(The University of Tokyo)
The 25th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 26 February 2020
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Liberal Arts and Civilization: Reconstruction of General Education in Chinese Universities in the 21st Century
LECTURER(S): LU Yi (Associate Professor, Fudan University, China) 
The 24th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 5 February 2020
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC New challenges and demands on research, teaching, and knowledge transfer in higher education
LECTURER(S): Yangson Kim (Hiroshima University)
Soojeung Lee (Sejong University)
Edith Braun (the Justus Liebig University)
Hei-hang Hayes Tang (The Education University of Hong Kong)
Christopher D. Hammond (Aoyama Gakuin University)
The 23rd Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 30 January 2020
VENUE Reception Hall, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Challenges of Science and Technology Policy in Japan, and its prospects
LECTURER(S): Yutaka Hishiyama (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Satoko Tatsui (Hiroshima University)
Shiichi Kobayashi (Hiroshima University)
The 22nd Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 24 January 2020
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Measuring the effects of career education through natural experiments: The effect of career education on university students’ career perception
LECTURER(S): Tomotaka Hirao (Setsunan University)
The 21st Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 14 January 2020
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC The influence of research participation on undergraduates’ engagement in learning: The case of China and implications for higher education
LECTURER(S): Hong Xi (doctoral student at Institute of Education, Tsinghua University, China)
Gao Xi (master-level student at Institute of Education, Tsinghua University, China)
The 20th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 23 December 2019
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC The current roles of URAs and issues they force in promoting science and technology
LECTURER(S): Masato Miyake (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
The 19th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 20 December 2019
VENUE Hiroshima University Tokyo office
TOPIC Ideal and Reality of High School/University Articulation Reforms: re-thinking of “Educational Philosophy” from a Sociological Perspective
LECTURER(S): Takayasu Nakamura (The University of Tokyo)
The 18th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 16 December 2019
VENUE Hiroshima University Tokyo office
TOPIC Introduction to Economics of Education
LECTURER(S): Akihiro Hashino (The University of Tokyo)
The 17th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 14 December 2019
VENUE Hiroshima University Tokyo office
TOPIC Three steps for causal inference from observational data and application of regression analysis
LECTURER(S): Koichiro Shiba(Harvard University)
The 16th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 13 December 2019
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Why are there so few girls who choose STEM? – Analysis of gender bias on a choice of college major in contemporary Japan
LECTURER(S): Toshiyuki Shirakawa (Hiroshima University)
The 15th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 2 December 2019
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Mobility and Funding in Higher Education
LECTURER(S): Marcel Gérard (Professor Emeritus, Université catholique de Louvain)
The 14th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 6 November 2019
VENUE Hiroshima University Tokyo office
TOPIC Decision-making processes in higher education and research in France : the example of increase in the tuition fees for non-EU students (Le processus de prise de décision dans l’enseignement supérieur et de recherche en France : l’exemple de l’augmentation des droits d’inscription pour les étudiants internationaux en mobilité entrante)
LECTURER(S): Yamina Bettahar (University of Lorraine)
LANGUAGE French with Japanese translation
The 13th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 5 November 2019
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Long-term Trends and Cross-national Comparisons of Social Mobility
LECTURER(S): Hiroshi Ishida (The University of Tokyo)
The 12th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 4 November 2019
VENUE Hiroshima Office Center
TOPIC Introduction to Bayesian Statistics for Higher Education Research
LECTURER(S): Hiroshi Shimizu (KWANSEI GAKUIN University)
The 11th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 31 October 2019
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC France: a new baccalauréat in 2021 (France: un nouveau baccalauréat en 2021)
LECTURER(S): Pierre-Louis Gauthier(Centre international d’Études pédagogiques (CIEP))
LANGUAGE French with Japanese translation
The 10th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 28 October 2019
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Free access to university studies and international mobility. What implications for the attractiveness of the higher education institutions? France and Japan, a comparative study
LECTURER(S): Yamina Bettahar (University of Lorraine)
The 9th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 24 October 2019
VENUE Hiroshima University Tokyo office
TOPIC Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods for Higher Education
LECTURER(S): Satoshi SHIRAMATSU (Ehime University)
The 8th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 18 October 2019
VENUE Stadium Mae (Main Bld.), Hiroshima Intelligent Hotels
TOPIC Re-thinking of EBPM: future impact for higher education
LECTURER(S): Takehiko HAYASHI (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
The 7th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 8 August 2019
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Towards an actor-centred typology of internationalization: A study of junior international faculty in Japanese universities
LECTURER(S): Thomas Brotherhood(University of Oxford)
The 6th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 6 August 2019
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Book Review: University Organization and Governance (edited by Takashi Hata)
LECTURER(S): Takashi HATA(Professor Emeritus, Hiroshima University & Tohoku University) Hirokazu MIYATA (Hiroshima University) Ran NAKAO (Hiroshima University) Yizhou FAN (Hiroshima University)
The 5th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 24 July 2019
VENUE Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
TOPIC Student evaluation of teaching and faculty development: A French study
LECTURER(S): Nathalie Younès(Université Clermont-Auvergne)
The 4th Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 14 July 2019
VENUE Hiroshima University Tokyo office
TOPIC Deep consideration on causal inference
LECTURER(S): Takehiko HAYASHI (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
The 3rd Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 15 June 2019
VENUE Tohoku University, Tokyo office
TOPIC How to Promote Responsible Research: Trends and Issues of Research Ethics, Part 2
LECTURER(S): Momoko SUDA (The Mainichi Newspapers) Iwao SATO (The University of Tokyo)
The 2nd Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 29 May 2019
VENUE 4th floor Meeting Room, Administration Bureau Building, Hiroshima University
TOPIC JICA’s view of Universities: Globalization of Higher Education, International Development and Cooperation
LECTURER(S): Takumi UESHIMA (Senior Vice President, JICA) Nobuko KAYASHIMA (Vice-President, Principal Research Fellow of JICA Research Institute, JICA) Naoki UMEMIYA (Director of Technical and Higher Education Team, Human Development Department, JICA)
The 1st Open Seminar in 2019 – 2020
DATE 22 May 2019
VENUE Hiroshima University Tokyo office
TOPIC Japanese only
LECTURER(S): Takashi HADA (Professor Emeritus, Tohoku & Hiroshima University) Rei NOUCHI (Shinsyu University)