Center for the Comparative Higher Education Research(CCHER)

The Center aims to contribute to the formation of educational policies, the enhancement of the quality of education and research, the promotion of universities’ social engagement, and the reform of university management through international and comparative higher education research. By doing so, we aim to strengthen collaboration with higher education institutions, academic societies, and research institutes both domestically and internationally, providing the knowledge and insights needed to address educational challenges from a global perspective.

Primary Objectives and Functions

  1. Excellence in Research and Academic Contributions
    We develop and implement research projects related to international higher education transformation, disseminating our findings through international conferences and publications. This effort promotes cutting-edge research and deepens academic understanding.

  2. Knowledge Exchange and Event Hosting
    We facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among researchers and education professionals globally by organizing symposia, workshops, and seminars. These events foster mutual learning and improve the quality of education through practical application of research outcomes.

  3. Promotion of Collaborative Research and Global Networking
    We advance collaborative research with domestic and international research institutions and build a robust global network. This strengthens international cooperation and promotes the development of joint research and educational programs.

  4. Capacity Building and Educational Program Development
    We offer training and educational opportunities for students and early-career researchers interested in higher education research, nurturing the next generation of leaders and scholars.

  5. Impact on Policy Formation
    We provide research outcomes to policymakers, educational institution leaders, and other stakeholders, contributing to the formation of educational policies and promoting higher education reform.

Director of CCHER Center Futao HUANG