RIHE Open Seminar “The professionalism of physical therapists as seen through the process of qualification system formation: using the issue-area approach and the ‘policy window’ model”/ July 4, 2022

The open seminar will be held as follows:

10:00-11:30, Monday, July 4, 2022    ※Please note that the day and time has been changed.

The professionalism of physical therapists as seen through the process of qualification system formation: using the issue-area approach and the “policy window” model

Online (Zoom) ※We will inform you of the participation URL by the day before


Ryo Mikami(Nix Co., Ltd. and RIHE graduate)

Munetsugu Kota(Hiroshima Cosmopolitan University), Kazuaki Maruyama(Nagoya University)

Refer to Japanese page

・Participation fee is free (maximum number: 30)
・If you would like to attend online, an internet access, device with camera and microphone are needed.
・Using your full name for your personal meeting ID is required when you enter the meeting room. You may not receive a permission to enter the room if the ID is different from the name registered.
・As a participant, you are not allowed to record the seminar or take the screenshot at your own.
・Organizing seminar through Zoom is a new attempt for us. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you, and thank you for your understanding.
・We will inform you of the participation URL by the day before. Please contact us at the following address if you do not receive the email.
   *Replace (at) with @

To register, please fill out the form below. A confirmation e-mail will be sent automatically to your e-mail address.