The submission form was removed as sufficient numbers of abstracts for the volume 19 have been submitted.
The detail of the next call for papers for Higher Education Forum Vol. 20, March 2023, will be posted by the end of December 2021 or early 2022.
Higher Education Forum (HEF) is an annual publication of the Research Institute for Higher Education at Hiroshima University in Japan. It aims to publish English articles by leading international scholars in the field of higher education, dealing with significant research topics. Manuscripts sent to Higher Education Forum are expected to contribute insightful research findings and contribute to the creation and distribution of knowledge with a wide international audience. Higher Education Forum welcomes original manuscripts with empirical, theoretical, methodological and practical background, which will be reviewed by more than two referees according to the double-blind review system. The exact number of the call for papers will be detailed and specified by the editors of each volume.
The process and timeline will take place as follows:
- Abstract submission (around 800words): Abstracts should be submitted via the website of the Research Institute for Higher Education at Hiroshima University by February 10. However, we may stop accepting abstract submission by the timeline if sufficient numbers of abstracts have been submitted to the online system. The abstract submission should use the online system below and include the author’s name, affiliation, job title and email address. If there is more than one author, please use a semicolon (;) after each author’s information. A confirmation e-mail will be sent automatically to your e-mail address.
- Reception of result: The editors of Higher Education Forum will send you a message informing authors of the “Result of abstract review” by March 10. If the abstract is accepted by editors (and editorial board members), please proceed to manuscript submission.
- Manuscript submission: The full manuscript, as a Word file, should be submitted to the following email address ( by June 10. All the papers should be proofread by a native or near native English speaker before submission. For detailed guidelines for the manuscript, please refer to “Author’s Guide for RIHE Higher Education Forum”.
- Manuscript Review and Result Reception: The manuscript will be reviewed by more than two referees based on the following criteria: relevance of the topic, coherence and clarity, contribution to knowledge, language, and so on. The editors will contact the author(s) informing her/him about the result of review no later than October 10.
- Revision: authors should improve the quality of the manuscript based on constructive comments and suggestions from the reviewers. The revised version of paper should be submitted no later than December 10.
- Final decision: final decision will be made by December 31.
- Publication: Accepted articles will be published in Higher Education Forum in following March.
** Abstract submission for Volume 19 (scheduled to be published in March 2022) should take place by February 10, 2021.
■ Please refer to the “Author’s Guide for Higher Education Forum” for the format. SampleHEF in Word format also assist you to prepare the paper.
■ Back issues are available at
■ There are no Author Processing Charges required.