The 12th Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 18 March 2013
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic Tuning: the Major Components and the Experience to Date of Tuning USA Projects
Lecturer(s): Clifford Adelman
Senior Associate, Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP), USA
Language English
The 11th Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 19 February 2013
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic The United Kingdom’s Market-Based Higher Education Reforms One Year After
Lecturer(s): Roger Brown
Professor of Higher Education Policy at Liverpool Hope University, UK
Language English
The 10th Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 15 February 2013
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic The Past and the Future of the Innovative University in the U.S.
Lecturer(s): Roger Geiger
Distinguished Professor of Higher Education, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Language English
The 9th Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 11 December 2012
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic How should we think about University Governance?
Lecturer(s): Toshiyuki Suzuki
Associate Professor, Aoyama Gakuin Women’s Junior College
Language Japanese
The 8th Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 31 October 2012
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic Foreign students in France: between attractivity and international mobility
Lecturer(s): Yamina Bettahar
Associate Professor, University of Lorraine, France
Language French
The 7th Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 14 September 2012
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic Enhancement of University Autonomy in France – University management after the LRU –
Lecturer(s): Prof. Alain Coulon
Professor, Faculty of Education, University Paris 8, France / Former Vice director-general, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France
Language French
The 6th Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 4 September 2012
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic The Road to ‘Bologna’?
Lecturer(s): Dr. Hendrik Ferdinande
Visiting Professor, Higher Education Research and Development Division, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University / Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ghent University, Belgium
Language English
The 5th Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 3 September 2012
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic China’s Higher Education Reforms from the Perspective of 30 provisions of Higher Education
Lecturer(s): Professor Hu Jianhua
Nanjing Normal University, China
Language Japanese
The 4th Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 21 June 2012
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic UK Universities’ Governance and Academic Management: Implications for Japanese Universities
Lecturer(s): Professor Fujio Ohmori
University Education Center, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Language Japanese
The 3rd Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 20 June 2012
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic Rank Scholarship: Scholarship which is being ranked and at RISK of corrupting communication
Lecturer(s): Dr. David Post
Professor of Education Policy, Center for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE), The Pennsylvania State University, USA / Editor of “Comparative Education Review”
Language English
The 2nd Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 1 June 2012
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic AInternational Comparison of Professional Development (FD and TAD) – International Trends and Challenges in Japan –
Lecturer(s): Professor Masaaki Ogasawara
Chairman of Liberal and General Education Society of Japan, Professor Emeritus of Hokkaido University
Language Japanese
The 1st Open Seminar in 2012 – 2013
Date 28 May 2012
Venue Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
Topic Current Situation and Issues Concerning Joint Degree and Double Degree Programs in Japan and China
Lecturer(s): Lin YE
Associate Professor of Hangzhou Normal University, China; Visiting Researcher of Tohoku University, Japan
Language Japanese