Graduates of RIHE Education Programs

Graduates of Ph.D. Program (with Ph.D. Degrees)

Name Date of Getting Degree
Title of Dissertation
OGATA, Naoyuki 1997/03 Relevance of Higher Education to Work – An Empirical Analysis on Employment and Early Careers of College Graduates
ASONUMA, Akihiro 2000/03 Research Funding System of Japanese National Universities after the WW2
FUKUDOME, Hideto 2003/03 The Emergence of Business Schools in American Universities
KIMOTO, Naomi 2006/03 A Study on the Process of Institutionalization of Home Economics in Japan
KUSHIMOTO, Takeshi 2007/03 The Research on Self-Evaluations of Undergraduate Education in Japan
YE, Lin 2007/03 The Study of Quality Assurance for Transnational Degree Program in China
ONUKI, Yukiko 2009/03 An Impact of the Learner-centered Philosophy on Student Services in American Universities
TATEISHI, Shinji 2011/03 The Research on Student Transfer between Higher Education Institutions in Japan: choice, adaptation, outcomes
SHIMIZU, Eiko 2012/03 An Analysis of Academic Advising System – its role and significance of today
HARADA, Kentaro 2014/03 An Empirical Study of Knowledge and its Transition in Textbooks used in Universities
WU, XIAN 2016/03 Comparative Research Pertaining to the Internationalization of University Professor Positions in Japan and China
MIYOSHI, Noboru 2016/03 The Research on a Student’s Study Assessment in Japanese Higher Education
LI, Lihua 2016/09 Study on the Realities of Human Resource Development Through Industry-University Cooperation in Japanese Universities
KOTAKE, Masako  2017/05 University internationalization through English-taught degree programs in Japan- A case study of two national university undergraduate programs –
LIN, SHIMIN 2017/11 A Study of the Higher Education Evalution in China:Focusing on the Formation and Present Situation of Its System
MIYATA, Hirokazu 2020/12 Research on mandatory career education- From the perspective of the issue approach
MANABE, Ryo 2021/03 Rethinking “Learning Outcomes”: Suggestions from IR Cases of Local Private Universities
PAN, Qiujing 2021/03 The Development and Future of Independent Colleges in China:An Empirical Analysis of Its Educational Effects
MIKAMI, Ryo 2022/03
MAEDA, Kazuyuki 2022/03 Empirical Research on Environmental Adaptations of Universities: Focusing on Organisational Paradigm and Transaction Cost
NAKAO, Ran 2022/09 Statistical Analysis and Decision making Support in Higher Education: EBPM and Causal Inference as an Opportunity
FAN, Yizhou 2022/09 Second Foreign Language Education and the “Liberal Arts Component”
CHEN, Lilan 2022/09 The Integration of International Academics at Japanese Universities
MATSUMIYA, Shinji 2024/03 Verification of Private University Reforms and Policies in the 2010s: The Effects of Policy Guidance through Subsidies
HORIUCHI,Kiyomi 2025/03 Evaluation of Policy-initiated English-medium Degree Programs in Japan: Divergence between Policy Rationale and Program’s Recontextualization

Graduates of M.A. and M.Ed. Program

Name Date of Graduation
Thesis Title
LI, Chunsheng 1989/03 National Policy for Japanese Universities after the WW2 – Historical and Comparative Analysis
ISHIZUKA, Kimiyasu 1990/03 Foreign Language Education in Japan – Historical Analysis for the Time Before the WW2
ASONUMA, Akihiro 1992/03 Research System of Japanese National Universities after the WW2
OGATA, Naoyuki 1993/03 Employment Status of Junior College Graduates based on the follow-up survey
AMANO, Tomomi 1997/03 Function of Local Public Universities
KITAKAMI, Kumiko 1997/03 Economic Development and Changes of Higher Education in Singapore – Structure and Limitation for the System by National Government
SAITO, Yasuhiro 1997/03 Lifelong Learning and Public Openness of Universities – With Special Reference to the Admission of Adult Students
FUKUDOME, Hideto 1999/03 The Emergence and Development of Business Schools in American Universities – From Japanese Perspective
KATO, Hirokazu 2000/03 Reorganization of New-System Universities and the Emerging Process of College of Arts and Sciences (“Kyoyobu”) in Japan
HOSAKA, Masako 2000/03
SHICHIJO, Hisanobu 2002/03 Admission Office in Japanese Universities
KIMOTO, Naomi 2003/03 The Knowledge Structure of Home Economics in Japan
CUI, Ze 2003/03 Higher Education to Work in China
TAKEUCHI, Masakazu 2003/03 Organization of Colleges and Universities for Teachers
NOMURA, Masato 2003/03 Careers for National University Staffs
MIYAMURA, Ruriko 2003/03 Professionalization of University Staffs
OKANO, Hiroshi 2004/03 Searching for an Image of the Universities of the 21st Century – Focusing on Opinions, Requests, and Proposals from the Industrial World and Aiming for the Harmony and Synthesis of Those
KUSHIMOTO, Takeshi 2004/03 Outcome Assessment of Liberal Education in Japan
YE, Lin 2004/03 The Study of Transnational Education – A Focus on China
ONUKI, Yukiko 2005/03 A study on the Development of the learning support staff in American universities – professionalisation and differentiation towards universal higher education
MIYAKE, Yukinobu 2005/03 Research on health education in teacher training
SHINZATO, Yumi 2006/03 Students of diversify and Higher Education
HIROUCHI, Daisuke 2006/03 A Study on the Student’s status and rights in Japan After the W.W.Ⅱ Based on Judicial Precedents
LIU, Zhenyu 2006/03 Research on Internationalization of Academics in Japan – Impact of Chinese Academics –
TAKAMORI, Tomotsugu 2007/03 Research on Quality Assurance for Teacher Education
WANG, Lin 2007/03 A Comparative Study of Mergers in Higher Education Between Japan and China
LIU, Chang 2008/03 Career Education at University in Japan
KAGEYAMA, Aiko 2008/03 The survey on the internal control of Japanese higher education institutions- the implications from the questionnaire and interview surveys to the national university corporations-
TATEISHI, Shinji 2008/03 Research on student transfer between higher education institutions
HIRAOKA, Kimihiro 2008/03 Course decision process and problem of the diversified Postgraduate
HARADA, Kentaro 2008/09 Research on Textbooks used in Universities – Focusing on the Degree of Standardization and variation
NOJI, Noriko 2009/03 Research on Workplace Environment’s Influence on University Staff Members’ Ability to Exert Themselves
INOUE, Masaharu 2010/03 A Study on Staff Personnel Expenses for National Univerisity Corporations
TANAKA, Yusuke 2010/03 Educational Idea and the Current State of the Faculties of Letters in the Universities
HASHIMOTO, Noritaka 2010/03 Consideration Pertaining to the Uniform Introduction of Top-Down Style University Governance –
KAWASAKI, Hironobu 2011/03 Research Pertaining to the Required Factors of Industrial-Academic Cooperation – Targeting the Joint Research of National Universities –
KOTAKE, Masako 2011/03 A Study on developments of English taught degree programs in Dutch universities
DOI, Masanobu 2011/03 Research on clerical work organization reform in junior colleges – For the construction of “Learning Organization”-
NISHIMURA, Kunpei 2011/03 An Evaluation Study on 21st century COE program
MA, DongQu 2011/03 Research on the public curriculum of the university education-view from the comparison between Japan and China
XU, XiaoJian 2012/03 A Comparative Study of the Chinese and Japanese Primary Stage of Popularized Higher Education – Student Body Alteration Centered From Discipline Structure Viewpoint
MIKAMI, Ryo 2012/03 Research on the Curriculum of the Medical and Healthcare Profession – The Transition over to the Education and Training System of Physical therapist
MIYOSHI, Noboru 2012/03 The Empirical Research of Student’s Learning Outcomes and Informal Decision for Large Enterprise – Admission Learning Outcomes of Each Year and Faculty Member’s Engagement
MAEDA, Kazuyuki 2013/03 An Empirical Study of University Management and Presidential Leadership
CHEN, Yichen 2013/03 The Research of Women’s University in Japan
INOUE, Daiki 2014/03 Research Pertaining to the Influence that a Sense of Belonging Towards a University Has on Participation in Various Student Activities – Focusing on ‘Non-First Choice Students’ –
YUAN, Ting 2014/03 A Study of the Employment of Chinese Students in Japan – Consideration from the Position of Hiroshima Prefecture
HAYASHIDA, Chiori 2014/03 A Study of Impacts of College Experiences on Undergraduates’ Career Building: Focusing on Extracurricular Activities
OBAYASHI, Saori 2014/09 Policy Measures and Implementation Systems for Joint Degrees – A Comparative Study of Japan and Europe
ITO, Suguru 2015/03 Study on Transformation and Direction in Institute of Technology
XIE, Yanxiao 2016/03 Chinese University Entrance Examination Reform from 2010 Onwards
ZHU, Yingxue 2016/03 The Influence of Social Networks on Career-Path Selection of International Students Who Come to Japan – Using Hiroshima University as an Example –
MIYATA, Hirokazu 2016/03 Verification of the Significance of Career Education Within Universities: Through Empirical Analysis of Current Conditions and Effects
SASAKI, Hiroshi 2017/03 Study of Global Human Resource Education in Higher Education
TSURU, Kentaro 2017/03 Study on the Effect of Internship on the Learning Activity and Job-hunting of Undergraduate Student
BIAN, Yaru 2017/03 The Impact of Scholarship for International Students: A review of empirical – “National student survey” and “Questionnaire of actual conditions of student life of Hiroshima University”
MATSUMIYA, Shinji 2017/03 Empirical Research on the Impact of the Comprehensive Support Program for Private University Reform on the Educational Activities in Private Universities
KAWAGUCHI, Hiroyuki 2018/03
NAGAOKA, Tomoko 2018/03 Study on the effect of global human resource development through study abroad – On undergraduate students –
YU, Yang 2018/03 A Study of Undergraduate Curriculum for International Students at Chinese Universities: Case Studies of Hebei Province
ZHOU, Xuewen 2018/03 Study on Research Productivity and the Effectiveness of Competitive Grants Versus Basic Operating Funds
WANG, Jia 2018/03 A Study on the Effect of the Studying Abroad to the Japanese Master’s Course of the Chinese Foreign Student: Case of the Forreign Students in Osaka and Hiroshima
BO, Xue 2018/03 A Study of the Impact of Student Community in University: Mainly about the Function of Homeroom
FAN, Yizhou 2018/03 The Second Foreign Language Educations and Leberal-education curriculum in the University – via a historical approach focus on their roles and meanings
KIMURA,Yuki 2018/09 An empirical Study on Education Expenses until the university Graduation: Focusing on Preshool Education, Regional difference, Aid for expenses
KAWAMURA, Kazuhiro 2019/03 An Exploratory Research into Modeling of Higher Education Included in Community
SUNADA, Hiromasa 2019/03 Visualization of learning process in curriculum that blends theory and practice -Focus on student account of e-portfolio –
CHEN, Lilan 2019/03 A Study on International Faculties in JAPANESE Universities -Focusing on CHINESE Faculties-
REN, Mengyuan 2019/03 A Study on the Job Hunting of Chinese University Students: Case of the Japanese Course’s Students of the Three Universities in Liaoning Province
HORIUCHI, Kiyomi 2019/03 Public good(s) on higher education in Japan: An investigation of changing perspectives in stakeholders’ discourse
LI, Hanlong 2019/03 Study on the distribution principle of the number of student recrutment in Chinese Double First-Class University -Using a modified gravity model of the population movement-
YAMAOKA, Naoki 2020/03
CHEN, Yuqi 2020/03 A study on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running School in China: Sino-Foreign Cooperation University
KAWADA, Kousei 2021/03 A study of the criticism over universities’ function in human resource development: focusing on the word “gap”
JIAN, Luochen 2021/03 The selection of higher education institutions by High School student from Chinese farm village area: Centering the formation and influences of their parents’ notions of higher education
KANG, Kaixiang 2021/03 International students’ Learning in Japan University- Focus on the Change of Learning Conception-
CHEN, Xinyu 2021/03 Research on success factors of the job searching of foreign students in Japan – mainly targeting the Chinese foreign student of the master’s course
NAKAMOTO, Ryousuke 2021/03
FANG, Ke 2021/03 A study on the factors that form the prejudice of Chinese students toward African international students
HASHIMOTO, Aya 2022/03
WANG, Jiaqi 2022/03 Research on articulation reform policy in China-focus on the large-scale enrollment
MA, Congcong 2022/03
LU, Yanli 2022/03
XUE, Jiahe 2023/03 “Employment Difficulty” in Yong Pepole’s Discourse System
TAN, Zhixi 2023/03 University student’s motivation of learning in compulsory subjects of liberal arts education
DING, Xiuyu 2023/03 The impact of the corona Virus Infectione Disease on Chinise University Students’ Attitude toward Studying in Japan:Focusing on Short-Term Study Abroad
MA, Chenzheng 2023/03 A Phenomenographic Analysis of Undergraduates’ critical Thinking Experiences in Japan
YE, Qian 2023/03
LIU, Hanyi 2023/03 The History and Current Status of Pseudoscience in China an Analysis Based on Articles in Pepole’s Daily from 1949 to 2022
HU, Jingyi 2024/03 For-Profit and Public Interest Issues of China’s For-Profit Private Higher Education Institutions
CAI, Yuan 2024/03 The Historical Evolution and Current State of China’s Policy on Accepting China’s Overseas Talent
QIN, Yizhen 2024/03 Research on the vocational practical skills development programs under the theme of promoting women’s active participation
ZENG, Min 2024/03 Perceptional Differences in Social Justice by Educational Level:
Focusing on Comparisons between Urban and Rural Areas in China
ZHANG, Yaqi 2024/03 Research on Out-of-Class Learning Among University Students:Focus on English Learning for Non-English Major Students
TSUBONE,Hidetoshi 2024/03 A Study on University Education in Response to Globalization in Local Regions in Japan:Through Surveys of Human Resource Demands by the Internationally Active Companies and Multicultural Communities among Academia, Industry and Local Governments
MO, Sheng 2024/03 Research on factors contributing to the satisfaction in study abroad in the coronavirus era: Investigation on Chinese master’s students in Japan
WANG, Chunyu 2025/03 A Study on the Employment Awareness of International Students in Regional Areas: Focusing on Chinese Students in Hiroshima Prefecture
WEI, Yan 2025/03 A Study on University Governance and Administration in China: Focusing on the De-administration Policy
CUI, Chang 2025/03 Research on the Reform of the Graduate School Master’s Program Admission System in China: Focusing on Clinical Medicine
CHEN, Xian 2025/03 A Study on the Study Motivation, Learning Experiences, and Career Aspirations of International Students in China
LI, Guohong 2025/03 The Japanese Language Major Curriculum in Chinese Universities from the Perspectives of Both Students and Graduates:A Case Study of Dalian University of Foreign Languages

Main Places of Employment

Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo; Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University; Comprehensive Education Center, Prefectural University of Hiroshima; Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Tohoku University; Hangzhou Normal University, China; Department of Higher Education Research, Guidance and National Institute for Educational Policy Research; The Office for Educational Planning and Research, Ehime University; Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Osaka; Yomiuri Shimbun; University Education Center, University of the Ryukyus; Reimei Publishing; Yonago Technical College; Osaka University; Hiroshima City University; NISSAN MOTOR CO.,LTD. ; SHARP CORPORATION, etc.