RIHE Open Seminar ”Should they stay or should they go? A case study on international students in Germany”/ February 2, 2023

★Registration has been closed.

The open seminar will be held as follows:

20:00-21:00, Thursday, February 2nd, 2023 (Japan time)

Should they stay or should they go? A case study on international students in Germany

Online (Zoom)
※We will inform you of the participation URL by the day before


Sascha Krannich (Giessen University, Germany)

Futao Huang (RIHE, Hiroshima University)

International students are conceived as essential contributors to the development of their countries of origin after they finished their studies abroad. Political decision-makers of the countries of origin therefore take measures that students will eventually return to their home countries and bring back their gained knowledge and consequently contribute to development back home. However, is a return always the best way to contribute to development in the country of origin or can international graduates contribute equally from abroad or through their high mobility between different countries?
This presentation aims to address this question on the basis of an intensive three years mixed-methods-based investigation in six countries – Germany as country of study and Colombia, Georgia, Ghana, Indonesia and Israel/Palestinian territories as countries of origin. migration and development, and highly skilled migration and demographic change.

・This seminar is related to the following JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Basic Research B).
(19H01640) Futao Huang, Hiroshima University (Principal Investigator), A comparative study in the roles and contributions of foreign faculty and researchers
・Participation fee is free.
・The registration is open until 12:00, Wednesday, February 1st JST.
・This events will be held online through Zoom. You need an internet access, device with camera and microphone.
・Using your full name for your personal meeting ID is required when you enter the meeting room. You may not receive a permission to enter the room if the ID is different from the name registered.
・As a participant, you are not allowed to record the events or take the screenshot at your own.
・We will inform you of the participation URL by the day before. Please contact us at the following address by noon, Februrary 1st JST if you do not receive the email.
  *Replace (at) with @