Prof. Huang’s edited book is published by Springer

Professor Futao Huang’s coedited book has been published by Springer. 

『Teaching and Research in the Knowledge-Based Society-Historical and Comparative Perspectives』 
Editors: Futao Huang, Timo Aarrevaara, Ulrich Teichler (Eds.)
Publication: 2022


In this book, Professor Futao Huang, Professor Tsukasa Daizen, and Associate professor Yangson Kim’s coauthored papers are included.

Introduction: Some Considerations into the Teaching-Research Nexus (Pages 1-11)
Authors: Futao Huang, Ulrich Teichler, Timo Aarrevaara

The Teaching and Research Nexus in Japan: A Historical and Comparative Perspective (Pages 77-95)
Authors: Futao Huang, Yangson Kim, Tsukasa Daizen, Akira Arimoto

Conclusion: What We Know About the Teaching-Research Nexus in the Knowledge-Based Society (Pages 241-253)
Authors: Ulrich Teichler, Timo Aarrevaara, Futao Huang

Click here for details.