Call for Chapter Proposals – Proposal Deadline: 30 June 2021

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Call for Chapter Proposals
Proposal Deadline: 30 June 2021


Edited by
Alexander W. Wiseman (Texas Tech University, USA)
Cheryl Matherly (Lehigh University, USA)
Max Crumley-Effinger (Loyola University Chicago, USA)

As a contribution to the International Perspectives on Education and Society series with Emerald Publishing, this volume seeks to gather global insights into the effects of the pandemic on contemporary and future internationalization modes and phenomena in higher education worldwide. The pandemic has forced significant changes to institutional and individual academic activities and norms, while highlighting inequities, opportunities, and challenges already present in the realm of internationalization in its plurality around the globe. This volume presents an opportunity to not only chronicle such changes and issues, but also to empirically forecast their impacts on the ways in which internationalization at the post-secondary level will respond in practice to new realities, exigencies, and possibilities. Contributions should be either scholarly/empirical studies or case studies. This volume asks:

How has internationalization in higher education (in its many forms) changed due to the pandemic?
How will internationalization in higher education (in its many forms) change as a result of the pandemic?
How, if at all, must we redefine what internationalization in higher education means worldwide?

We welcome proposals from scholars and practitioners from around the world examining a diversity of regional, national, and local contexts. Connecting to the core focus on peri- and/or post-pandemic internationalization in higher education, we are seeking proposals on a broad range of topics including but not limited to:
1. Student mobility (short-term or degree-seeking study abroad)
2. Transnational research or collaboration
3. Nationalism or isolationism
4. National or local policy
5. Racism, ableism, or sexism
6. (Neo)colonialism
7. Global health
8. Information and communication technologies
9. UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
10. Academic leadership, partnerships, or transformation
11. Employability and student outcomes

Chapter proposals should (a) be 1000-word summaries, (b) identify which numbered topic(s) (see above) they connect with, (c) identify the contribution type (either scholarly/empirical or case study), and (d) deal explicitly with as many of the following as applicable: objectives or purposes; methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry; data sources or evidence (if applicable); and results, conclusions, or point of view.

For questions, please contact

To submit original proposals written in English visit

Proposal submission: 30 June 2021
Editor decisions on proposals: 15 July 2021
Full manuscript submissions: 1 October 2021
Publication: Spring/Summer 2022

For questions, please contact