The open seminar will be held as follows:
15:00-17:00, Thursday, November 8th, 2018
Room No. 112, RIHE, Hiroshima University
The Organization of Research in American Universities:Logic, Structure, Evolution
Dr Roger Geiger,Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Pennsylvania State University
Click here for Dr Geiger’s Biography
The pattern of organized research in American universities developed from federal contract research, which created an autonomous research role for universities and the separate budgeting of research. However, the ability of universities to attract federal support depended on their internal research capacity—principally the expertise of departmental faculty. Large, ongoing projects were usually put in centers or institutes, which also employed non-faculty researchers. The separately budgeted research structure was administered by a vice president for research. An inherent tension often existed between the practical goals of external funders and faculty goals of advancing basic knowledge.
Since 1980 the growing emphasis on the technology transfer and technology-based economic development have complicated this structure. Large federal projects stipulate multiple partners in multiple disciplines. The VP for research employs a large staff to formulate large project grants. The expertise of faculty remains paramount, but considerable central guidance is now inevitable. University structures have been devised to harmonize the relations of departments and centers and the goals of faculty and funders.
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